In the world of expert search engine optimization, social media marketing, strategic internet marketing, everyday life reporting online, and personalities who have make a mark in history, I can think of 10 (actually 11) whose contribution, in my humble opinion, have made a mark and raised the Nations level of consciousness, and in some cases, have made life easier, set an example of exelence, or open new and exciting ways to succeed. As with every list, opinions are subjective, and you are welcome to disagree with me.
Number 10: Glenn Beck. Yes, I know, he seems nuts and is a Conservative. So am I, believe it or not. I like Glenn because he is real. He expresses his opinion, and keeps an open mind, he also has the ability to see the big picture, and foresee what might happen in the future. He is also a great family man, and, as a recovering alcoholic who seven years ago was broke, an inspiration to all of us who think of America as the promised land and still thinks that the American Dream is alive and well.
Number 9: Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger who produced the famous wikipedia. Even though anyone can edit the aricles and it is not considered an authorize source for research, when you are in a crunch for time and need information really fast, the good old wiki is priceless. Of course, before you submit any information gathered from wiki, you do need to verify it with a quick Google search.
Number 8: Seth Godin. An entrepreneur from an early age, Seth has written several books, has several blogs, and one of his most important contributions to mankind is Squidoo.
Number 7: Darren Rowse. Darren (of fame) is a professional blogger who in 2002 read an article on blogging, and the rest is history. He is one of the authorities in blogging techniques, and online success. If you want to learn from one of the best, is a must read.
Number 6: John Chow. A Vancouver, Canada entrepreneur, who launched a tech review site in

1999, and the rest is history. Later on, he started a blog, like many others, and decided to start teaching how to make millions online. His free e-book, “Make Money online”, is one that I read every so often for it’s timeless advice. Get his free ebook. (
Number 5: Matt Drudge. The prototypical problem child, aimless and a lousy student, became famous by being the first to break the Clinton scandal that eventually got to his impeachment. Starting as a “gossip by email newsletter” the “Drudge Report” is news aggregator so thorough, that the main talk show hosts in the United States routinely use it as their main source for up to the minute information. If you want to see and read the news that most likely will not make the 10:00 p. m. news, read Drudge. (
Number 4: Skellie (of Skellie is a political science major in Australia, she

has being creating excellent content for her
blogs for years. I became a fan of hers after reading some of her articles in Pro Blogger. Her insight into entrepreneurship is, in my humble opinion, outstanding. Her blog is a must read. (
Number 3: The entrepreneur. There are millions of people trying to make money online. As long as we maintain a goal in front of us, and as long as we continue to have freedom, we can, and will, improve the world’s quality of life, and make the planet a better place to live.
Number 2: Bill Gates. He is prototypical example of the American Dream. Get an idea, develop it, and become a zillionaire. He has done more for the Internet, than most, while reaping the benefits.
Number 1: Brian Campbell. He became famous yet again this past summer when he re created himself, and promised to make $10,000 in 37 days. From that point on, Media Marketing became a household name for millions of people around the globe. Brian prides himself of providing free tips, that when followed correctly, will help you become an Internet expert, with the potential of making a lot of money.
Who are your favorite Internet personalities and why? Let me know…
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